Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Weigh too much

The excitement of the day was the fact that the lift was broken in the hotel, and we found the stairs. As you can tell, it wasn't a very exciting day, though the work we have been doing (well, mostly Graham really) is starting to look better.

In my mini-campaign against the polystyrene waste mountain caused by the canteen, I asked for a ceramic plate on which to put my sandwich at lunchtime, rather than using one from the pile of polystyrene ones. Not really a good idea, as they weigh your sandwich (bread, plate and all) at the till, rather than charge per filling. We got round the extra-heavy plate in the end using a serviette for the sandwich weigh-in.

This evening we met with Nick and his American girlfriend Marie and went to Los Gatos, which is a town with a row of shops European style - rather than just having a massive mall. We had some food in a restaurant there, and Nick entertained us with a couple of magic tricks using a coin. If I practice hard on the plane I might be able to demonstrate it by the time I reach the UK, or alternatively knock out the person next to me on the plane, which is infact Graham - as we've just checked in online - and I have got an aisle seat again which is good.

Night night.

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