Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Go Lucky

After work this evening I took one of my colleagues, Prasad, back to his hotel and discovered the local supermarket called Lucky, which I visited in the hope of finding potential food supplies for the weekend when the work canteen is not open. The supermarket did indeed contain food, and lots of it. I also scouted out some takeaways - if the worst comes to the worst, there is a Macdonalds just round the corner. So if I go there instead of the supermarket, I will definitely be unLucky.

I went back to the hotel, to do a bit more work, and instead put the television on. I have noticed that every other advert appears to be for one medicine or other, and all end with warnings of various length, in a voice going as fast as Sarah eating chocolate. One warning tonight seemed to go on forever "Do not use if you have diabetes, high blood level, heart disease, high sugar levels, or if you are feeling faint, claustrophobic, have sneezed, coughed or are feeling in any other way ill.... Please insult your doctor before use".

So I've just gone back to Lucky, bought some asprin, and called my doctor a fish. As all good newspapers do - if you're lacking in proper news, make some of it up. Night night.

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